Veterans Talk Trash

Podcast #2 is in the books. Thank you to Nick, Dave, Joe, Laurens, and the entire Veteran Trash Talk Hour team for hosting and promoting the business. They’re setting a great example by building a healthy, positive space where veterans can support each other. Help them out by subscribing @veterantrashtalk

In other news, we are proud to announce a new partnership with Purposeful Design, an Indianapolis-based organization that re-builds the lives of people broken by addiction or homelessness through training and employment in a custom furniture business.

I am noticing a trend. Across the country, small organizations like ours are rebuilding the working and middle class one meaningful job at a time. At the heart of all these efforts is a sense of purpose that is anchoring communities and creating sustained value.

I believe this is the future.

If you like what we are doing, please ask your friends to check out our webpage and subscribe!

Take care,


Founder and CEO

Outlaws Inc.


Founder, CEO

Outlaws Inc.

Success! (Kind of)


Memorial Day 2020